Private Childbirth Classes


Lamaze Childbirth Class Information

I am so excited that you are interested in all things labour, birth and parenthood!

I am a practising Midwife working at Cabrini Private Hospital in Melbourne, and have been teaching childbirth classes for 10 years; specifically Lamaze classes for the past 7 years.  

What I love about the Lamaze philosophy is that it comes from a place of providing couples with updated, evidence-based principles related to birthing with Confidence. 

The Lamaze Philosophy sees birth as a natural, normal part of a woman's life, where she gains the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions about her care, and trust in her body’s ability to give birth. 

Lamaze education is based on exploring 6 Healthy Birth Practices that have been extensively examined, and which have been shown to lead to better birth outcomes. The framework of these practices form a structure for women and their partners to confidently discuss their antenatal care and plans with their care provider, and help to reduce any fears leading up to their baby’s Birthday.

As defined on the Lamaze website and the Lamaze Australia website :


What is Lamaze?

“Lamaze International is a non-profit organization, a trusted global leader, with a mission to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy.

Our goal is simple: We want all parents to feel confident, supported and powerful as they ask questions, make decisions, and navigate their path through pregnancy, birth and parenthood.”

These three pillars define the core of who Lamaze is:


Lamaze education and practices are firmly grounded in the latest research. In everything we offer, we recommend the safest and healthiest options to parents without judgment.


Everyone’s journey to parenthood is unique. We welcome and respect all individuals and families from every corner of the world. Regardless of expectations or values, we firmly believe that everyone benefits from an informed pregnancy and birth.


The journey from pregnancy to parenthood can be transformative for families. We want parents to feel confident asking questions and making informed decisions, and to feel comfortably able to take control of their personal journeys.

Why Lamaze?

A Lamaze Childbirth education course will not only give you the essential information and practical tools you need to feel confident and prepared for your birth experience, but it will also provide you with important and relevant local information about giving birth in your area. Lamaze classes are one of the most comprehensive childbirth education classes available and our classes provide you and your partner with an essential toolkit of skills to support you through pregnancy, labour and your journey into parenthood.

Common feedback I have heard from a number of couples attending my Hospital childbirth classes is that it is often difficult to attend the structured sessions due to busy work schedules, and also that they don’t always feel comfortable learning the intimate content in a larger group environment.

So I decided to offer the option of private classes in the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you! I can focus my teaching around specific topics and discussions based on your individual needs.

On a personal level, I have found teaching my classes in an informal, relaxed setting enhances a couple’s understanding of the information, and encourages discussion based on their plans and wishes.
— Narelle Tsiros

Private Childbirth Education: Options to suit you

A great time to commence your childbirth classes is around 30-32 weeks. This gives you enough time to complete the course and discuss your knowledge with your Obstetrician or Midwife. You will also have time to do more of your own research into any particular topics that interest you.

Home Visit:

4 x 2.5 hr sessions: $795

I really enjoy being able to sit on the couch in your home and teach my Lamaze classes!

This is a great way to individualise your learning needs in a relaxed environment at a time that suits you.

Each class covers different information regarding all things labour, birth, breastfeeding and early parenthood.

Interactive Group Zoom Session:

Private online sessions - 4 x 2.5hours :$695

Group sessions to be arranged on consultation: $550

Private Refresher Class (available on demand):


Classes can be structured to suit your individual needs and what you’d like me to cover.

Please note - Travel costs will apply for tolls / addresses outside 15 km.

Interactive In Person Group Class:


I am the host of a fun, 4 hour Positive Birth Masterclass in Middle Park, Melbourne. (2-8 couples)

Dates for 2025 are:

Sunday Feb 16 - 11am - 3pm

Sunday March 30 - 11am - 3pm

Saturday May 3 - 11am - 3pm

Saturday June 14 - 11am - 3pm

Saturday July 26 - 11am - 3pm

Second half of 2025 dates TBC.

Tickets are available to book via

Outline of Class information

Preparing for your labour and Birth

  • Understanding your amazing pregnant body and how it prepares for labour and birth

  • Stages of labour

  • The importance of your Hormones in your birth journey

  • Effective positions to help you cope with labour at home and in your place of Birth

  • The importance of partner support – how they can help

  • What is Spinning babies? – the importance of the relationship between your baby’s position in your pelvis before labour starts, using balance, gravity and movement 

 Challenges in Birth

  • Birth fitness preparation – emotionally and physically

  • Options for pain relief in labour – all options discussed

  • Variations in Birth – Induction of labour and Instrumental and Caesarean Birth - what happens?

Becoming new Parents!

  • What to expect after birth and in the first few weeks

  • Getting to know your new baby – realistic expectations (!)

  • Breastfeeding basics

  • Safe sleeping

  • Understanding an unwell baby

  • Postnatal emotional health for you and your partner 

How to book

To book or make an enquiry please contact Narelle directly on 0425 780 427 or