Mobile Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage

Private, Group & Online Childbirth Classes


Hands on support for
expecting parents

My mission is to nurture women during their pregnancy journey through relaxation massage, and to also provide couples with a positive, empowering childbirth education experience in the privacy of their own home.

Being a currently practising Midwife with 17 years experience is a reassuring benefit in both my roles as a Massage therapist and Childbirth educator, as I am able to utilise my skills and knowledge to suit each woman’s individual needs. I can confidently advocate for my couples and collaborate with my fellow healthcare professionals with integrity and respect. 





Pregnancy Massage

I am a Pregnancy Massage Australia certified massage therapist, bringing all the benefits of pregnancy massage direct to you in the comfort of your home.


Postnatal Massage

Whether you are becoming a mother for the first time or adding to your family, you need time to Rest, Restore and Rebalance you mind and body afterwards.

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Childbirth Education Classes

I provide a comprehensive series of Lamaze certified childbirth education classes to assist you and your partner in preparing for the birth of your new baby and early parenting journey.

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Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers are currently available in Pregnancy and Postnatal massage, as well as Childbirth Education sessions– what a great gift set for you to ask for as a Baby Shower idea!


“Self-care, it’s about giving your baby the best of you.”

Narelle Tsiros


Meet Narelle Tsiros


Registered Nurse (RN)
Registered Midwife (RM)
Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE)
Pregnancy and Postnatal Massage Therapist



My name is Narelle Tsiros and I am passionate about caring holistically for couples in their pregnancy journey!

I started this business as I felt like a part of me was missing in my role as Midwife working in a hospital. I wanted to be able to connect more with women in their pregnancy and so, in 2019, I decided to combine my medical skills with massage therapy.

There’s nothing more rewarding for me than giving pregnant women time out to relax and connect with their body and their baby through massage.

Sharing my knowledge and experience as a Midwife in a supportive, relaxed and private environment is where I feel I shine. I provide classes privately in your own home, where I can fit around busy work schedules so you can feel relaxed and get the most out of my knowledge. Part of this fantastic role is also about supporting couples throughout the entire journey of pregnancy and helping to create a positive, confident mindset for their birth experience.

My knowledge and experience as a currently practising Midwife, Lamaze Childbirth Educator, Pregnancy Massage Therapist and Mum of 2 beautiful adult children is a unique combination of skills for you to access all in the one person!

I live and work in the Bayside area of Melbourne, and conduct all massages in the privacy of your own home. I work with couples in to provide positive childbirth education in their homes, group or online classes.


Happy Clients


“I was gifted this beautiful massage to have with Narelle and it was incredible. I felt so comfortable and relaxed, it was just what I needed at 37 weeks pregnant. Her wealth of knowledge made me feel so comfortable as did her kindness and infectious smile. Wish I could get one every week, I felt so good afterwards especially in some of my most sore spots like hips and ribs. Thanks Narelle!”

— Vanessa


“I honestly can't thank you enough for the course. It was everything I needed and more. As someone who entered pregnancy absolutely petrified of labour and birth I knew I needed a course and someone who could provide all the information and options in an unbiased and approachable way, and that is exactly what you did. No question was treated as a silly and you took the time to make sure we really understand the topic before moving on. Your passion and excitement for empowering women and their partners for the labour experience is infectious and left Michael and I feeling so much more confident and comfortable with what will happen and how to handle it. Thank you xxx

- libby


COVID-19 Update  

Due to my role as a Practicing Registered Midwife in Hospital, I need to take all necessary precautions to protect the health of my lovely clients, my family and myself against COVID 19. So I request all my clients to be symptom-free prior to me attending a home massage or class.